Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 9: Damned be Mosquitoes

I spent most of the day reading, eating and drinking, with a bit of stargazing thrown in at night. I used Google sky map to identify what I was looking at, and it turns out that I caught a nice long glimpse of Jupiter - I wish I had a telescope with me ;-)

At one point during threw day I forgot to apply my anti-mosquito-spray... And guess what happened? You're right - the little bastards feasted on me, and I am now covered with countless bites. Luckily, Cuban mosquitoes don't really transmit any bad diseases, so this is the perfect opportunity for me to learn that not applying anti-mosquito-spray is bad for me ;-)

Update: the next day, I followed the instructions on the bottle of insect repellent that said: apply to all uncovered skin. Then I went for a nice long run, and when I came back I had learned yet another lesson: the bugs will bite through clothing, too. I counted more than 60 new bites after the run...