Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 82: Rock in Puerto Varas

Today was the first rainy day in weeks. I guess the last bit of rain I saw was at Campamento Chileno in Torres del Paine national park...

Speaking of which, did you hear that a fire ruined a large part of the park? Chilean authorities say a tourist started it, while the guy denies, of course. I guess we'll never know what really happened. The sad fact remains that two of the four shelters I stayed at seen to be destroyed now, along with some of the most gorgeous landscape I've ever seen. When will people finally start taking "no fire allowed" signs seriously?

But back to Puerto Varas. I stayed inside for most of the day to catch up on some reading. I finished Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. The novel plays with the concepts of virtual realities and human/computer viruses. It was fascinating to read, and the fact that it seemed to be very well researched made it all the more enjoyable.

In the evening, I ended up going to a rock concert. The concert took place in a tiny bar, and two local bands played. The first was rather good, the second not so much. Anyway, it was really nice to hear some live music again and to see the local rock/metal scene :-)