Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 81: Fjord Reloncaví

Another day of watersports: today I chose a full-day kayaking tour in fjord Reloncaví, from Ralún to Cochamó.

This is me shortly after we started paddling:

After a while, we saw these fishermen. They were harvesting mussels - along with salmon farming one of the major sources of income around the fjord.

For lunch break, we went to the house of Doña Yolanda. She and her husband live at the shore of the fjord, far from everything else. They own a beautiful old wooden house. Electricity finally came to their house in the year 2000...

In addition to the main meal (which we brought with us on the kayaks), Doña Yolanda served us incredibly tasty home-grown salad, and a great homemade cake for desert. None of us really wanted to leave afterwards ;-)

They also had these wonderful flowers growing nearby:

The rest of the tour was nice; we had both strong wind and the tide going in our direction, so there was hardly any paddling to do after lunch. The views were ok, but there was volcanic ash obstructing the views again. Have a look at this picture - and note the snow-capped volcano you can just make out: