Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 116: Salar de Uyuni (3)

When we arrived at the refugio last night, it was getting dark and raining heavily, so we all just sprinted inside without looking around. It was a pleasant surprise this morning to discover that the village is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, offering a spectacular view even before breakfast.

Our first stop after breakfast was Laguna Colorada. When the sun is shining, the lake appears red due to a combination of algae and sediments - that's why it is called colored lake. Besides being red, the lake is also populated by hundreds of pink flamingoes and surrounded by volcanoes. A truly amazing sight!

After several stops around Laguna Colorada (it's that big), we drove on to the Desierto de Siloli. There, we could see a stone shaped like a tree, the famous Árbol de Piedra.

There were many other fantastically shaped stones around, and we had a lot of fun climbing a few of them :-)

Next up was the black lake, Laguna Negra. It appears black because of the plants growing on its bottom. It was inhabited by birds who were making noises sounding like human laughter. I wonder - are these their natural sounds, our did they pick them up from visitors to the lake?

Here, too, there were seemingly impossible rock formations waiting to be climbed:

On our way to this night's hostel in Uyuni, we saw this rock, shaped like a condor without a head:

Later on, we passed a village where they were just decorating llamas with earrings. The color of the cloth indicates which family owns each llama.

We also saw a military post - better to not take pictures there - with houses that looked strangely like teletubby houses. I wonder why?