Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 285: Walking Around Cartagena

On my first day in Cartagena, I just wandered around in the historical center, taking in the beautiful facades greeting me on each and every street, and the small parks on many corners.

Seeing the beautiful houses, balconies often overflowing with flowers, I understood why people throughout my trip have recommended going to Cartagena. It is simply insanely beautiful! This city alone would make a visit to Colombia worthwhile.

While wandering, I found that entrance to the Palacio de la Inquisición was free that day, so I stepped in. The museum was rather small, but housed in a beautiful building:

Besides some exhibits showing the history of Cartagena, they also had a room specific to the building's original purpose: the inquisition. More specifically, there were torture instruments, information about witchcraft, and a guillotine. At the entrance to this room was a sign: "Don't touch the exhibits, danger of accidents!" A very apt warning - a visitor accidentally beheaded by a guillotine would indeed be... unfortunate ;-)

Aside from its beauty, Cartagena is also very hot and humid. The air conditioning in the room is set to 28 degrees, and it's a huge relief stepping into that room. But then again, I'm not a big fan of air conditioning - it takes away any chance for the body to ever adapt to the climate. I also have a feeling that the temperature display is off - 28 shouldn't feel that cold at night ;-)