Before I write about my glacial day today, I have two general observations I'd like to share. First, regarding grocery shopping: in Buenos Aires, I got used to being given countless plastic bags in the supermarket. When I came to Puerto Madryn, I suddenly had to carry my purchases in my arms. I found out why - they had huge problems with the ever-present wind blowing plastic bags everywhere and ruining the countryside. So they made a regulation saying that shops in Patagonia are not allowed to give out bags not made of biodegradable material. So instead of handing out paper bags, supermarkets have adopted the policy that customers have to bring their own bags. Exemplary!
This brings me straight to observation number two: whenever there's any kind of restriction in place, they have a sign indicating which law is causing the restriction. For example, supermarkets have such a sign for the no-plastic-bags regulation. No-smoking-signs also say which law prohibits smoking in that place. I have to say, I rather like this system. Brings a bit of transparency to the otherwise obscure jungle of government rules and regulations.
Of course, national park entry tickets also indicate which law regulates national park entry:

This brings me straight back to today's main event, my visit to the Perito Moreno glacier. I believe this is the first glacier I have ever seen, and I am really impressed by its size and magnificence. Amazing!

Just to enable you to estimate its size... this picture has a boat in it:

The ice was constantly cracking and grumbling, and from time to time pieces of ice broke off and fell into the water. This is the impact made by a medium-size piece:

A little more up close:
There are a lot of these trees growing opposite the glacier:

And, of chose, there's also the glacier and me ;-)

This brings me straight to observation number two: whenever there's any kind of restriction in place, they have a sign indicating which law is causing the restriction. For example, supermarkets have such a sign for the no-plastic-bags regulation. No-smoking-signs also say which law prohibits smoking in that place. I have to say, I rather like this system. Brings a bit of transparency to the otherwise obscure jungle of government rules and regulations.
Of course, national park entry tickets also indicate which law regulates national park entry:

This brings me straight back to today's main event, my visit to the Perito Moreno glacier. I believe this is the first glacier I have ever seen, and I am really impressed by its size and magnificence. Amazing!

Just to enable you to estimate its size... this picture has a boat in it:

The ice was constantly cracking and grumbling, and from time to time pieces of ice broke off and fell into the water. This is the impact made by a medium-size piece:

A little more up close:

And, of chose, there's also the glacier and me ;-)