Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 193: Cycling Easter Island

For my last full day on Easter Island, I decided to rent a bicycle to visit all the places I hadn't seen so far, and revisit some of the more spectacular ones. The tour around the island was about fifty kilometers long. The first part, along the south coast, led me to several ahu with toppled moai...

...and along spectacular scenery with Pacific waves crashing onto the island:

At the end of the coastline, I revisited Ahu Tongariki with its 15 standing moai:

At this site, there are also a number of rock carvings which the tour a few days ago had failed to mention, mostly faces of a god, canoes, and fish:

After this, I had to get over a few kilometers of bumpy dirt road to get to Anakena beach on the north coast. With cars and buses passing from time to time and causing huge clouds of dust, this was not as much fun as it sounds. Anyway, the beach was as beautiful as I remembered, and Ahu Nau Nau was definitely worth looking at again.

Then, all that remained for me to do was to cycle back to the village. This part was really fun, because there was a steep climb up to around 200 meters of altitude, and then a long stretch of downhill that lasted almost to the hostel's door. Exhilarating!

In the evening, I went to look at another sunset, which turned out as beautiful as the day before :-)