Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Days 70-73: 28c3

The Chaos Communication Congress takes place every year from December 27 to 30. This year was the 28th issue, and of course I had to follow it - it is simply the perfect mix of fascinating topics and fun. Instead of flying to Berlin to attend, I moved to another hostel (one with good wifi) and spent the four days watching congress streams full-time. I had a really great time!

Here are some of the talks I enjoyed most - follow the links to watch them on YouTube (most are in English)!

How governments have tried to block Tor

Der Staatstrojaner

802.11 Packets in Packets

The coming war on general computation

Politik hacken

The Science of Insecurity

„Die Koalition setzt sich aber aktiv und ernsthaft dafür ein“

7 years, 400+ podcasts, and a whole lot of Frequent Flyer Miles - I love this quote from the talk: "I love traveling. It doesn't pay my bills, but it feeds my heart, my soul."

Hacker Jeopardy



Security Nightmares