Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 74: Circuito Chico

Circuito Chico is a short loop road near Bariloche. Including side trips, it is almost 40 km long, making it an ideal length for bicycle tours. So that's exactly what I did today. Although 40 km doesn't sound very long, the hills, 10 km of unpaved road, and frequent picture-taking stops made the trip last for about five hours.

Unfortunately, today was a bad ash day again, so the views were by far not as spectacular as I'd been made to expect - but still nice in many places. Just have a look at this view: there are supposed to be mountains in the back!

One of the side trips went to the old Swiss colony, Colonia Suiza. I found the village itself rather dusty, but hidden among some trees there was this sweet little chapel:

Bahía López offered the most beautiful view on the circuit:

Lago Escondido - the hidden lake - was a charming small lake hidden from the main road. Hidden does not mean less busy, however. Just as everywhere today, there were just a few too many people around for my taste. Comes with the date, I guess.

In the evening, I joined the new year's eve celebrations in my hostel. It seems I was the only non-Israeli guest in the hostel this night... can you believe it?

The new year started well, with a bite of gorgeous Argentinian asado in my mouth. Honestly, who needs champagne if there is grilled meat around? :-)

There were some fireworks after midnight, but a lot more modest than in Germany. Makes sense, from my point of view: there are more important places to spend money than fireworks ;-)