Today I had to move to a different hostel because the previous one was books solid for the weekend. I'm moving back there on Monday - its location only two blocks from my Spanish school is just too perfect. Plus, it's a lot nicer than the new hostel ;-)
After having settled in, I went to visit the Museo de Arte Moderno (MAMBA) just a few blocks away. They had two really great exhibits, one concentrating on the work of just one artist, and the other playing with white, light, and shadow. The second one in particular made me realize just how important the curator of an exhibition is. The combination and presentation of artwork can really make or break an exhibition.

I noticed another thing about myself while in Mamba. You know how in art museums they often list the technique used to create something - like oil on paper, that sort of information. Well, every time I am really curious about the techniques used it only says "mixed techniques". That led me to think that I enjoy collages a lot. It occurred to me today - the only time I was satisfied with my work in my high school art classes was when I made a collage inspired by the song Revolution 9, by the Beatles. In retrospect, I am amazed at how bad art classes were - they didn't really teach us a lot. Very little technique, and next to no history. I wonder why that is? Nearly every other subject managed to get at least something across...
After having settled in, I went to visit the Museo de Arte Moderno (MAMBA) just a few blocks away. They had two really great exhibits, one concentrating on the work of just one artist, and the other playing with white, light, and shadow. The second one in particular made me realize just how important the curator of an exhibition is. The combination and presentation of artwork can really make or break an exhibition.

I noticed another thing about myself while in Mamba. You know how in art museums they often list the technique used to create something - like oil on paper, that sort of information. Well, every time I am really curious about the techniques used it only says "mixed techniques". That led me to think that I enjoy collages a lot. It occurred to me today - the only time I was satisfied with my work in my high school art classes was when I made a collage inspired by the song Revolution 9, by the Beatles. In retrospect, I am amazed at how bad art classes were - they didn't really teach us a lot. Very little technique, and next to no history. I wonder why that is? Nearly every other subject managed to get at least something across...