Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 266: Ziplining + On to Quito

In the morning, I decided to leave Baños and go to Quito today. But before, I had one more adventure planned: ziplining!

Ziplining is a fun activity where you use a climbing harness to attach yourself to a steel rope, and then zoom through treetops and fly over valleys along the steel rope. You can assume various positions to enhance the fun: sitting is easiest and most boring, upside down like a bat gives a great change of perspective, headfirst like superman feels like flying, and inverted headfirst - they call it butterfly - feels just crazy amazing. Needless to say that I tried them all! This is me getting ready for a superman flight:

The weather was just perfect: the forest and hills were shrouded in clouds which created a great atmosphere and beautiful views. This is the valley we repeatedly crossed on the zip lines:

In the afternoon, I got on a bus to Quito and arrived a couple of hours later. My first impression was very favorable: the bus terminal had a well-informed tourist information booth - giving out maps that include the bus stops for the main lines! - and the buses to the center were cheap, fast, and stopped right where I wanted to go. That's my kind of city! ;-)