Thursday, March 31, 2011


I just realized, I should clear up my blogging backlog before I fly to Okinawa tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll never catch up again...

About 10 days ago, I visited the Osaka Museum of History. Not because the museum itself is so great (it was ok, but not grand), but because you could try on a Kimono for free on that day!

So without further ado, here's what it looked like:

Just look at how beautifully they tied the belt at the back! Took two of the ladies at the booth a good couple of minutes to get it done :-)

Another interesting exhibition took place in the museum's lobby: they had cut-open versions of Japanese houses on display. Just for those who have never been in one - here are some impressions:

This is more like a restaurant interior, I think

Living room

And another room