Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 486: Birthday Diving in Koh Tao

To celebrate my birthday today, I gave myself a lovely gift: two dives! Unfortunately, the morning dives left at 6:30, so we had to get up really early. On the boat, we were told that the dive sites had to be changed because of bad weather on the island's east side - a stroke of luck for me, because I had wanted to see one on the west side, anyway.

The first dive site was the Chumphon Pinnacle. The dive was beautiful, in spite of the murky water. We dived through swarms of small fish who really didn't care about the two divers in their midst, and saw some huge groupers lurking around on the bottom. The second dive site, Twins, was even nicer. I saw a few moray eels who came out of their house - I'd never seen a whole eel before, just their face. Another fascinating thing I saw was the symbiotic relationship between shrimps and gobys: the shrimps are almost blind, but have claws to dig houses in the ground. The goby lives in the same house and stands guard while the shrimp works. When a predator comes, the goby warns the shrimp and both go hide in their house. Very cool to watch!

Not as cool to watch were the exhaust fumes from our dive boat. The amount of black smoke the boat produced was pretty gross.  

After the dives, we walked around the island eating lots of nice food, just as it should be on a birthday. The highlight was a freshly caught, grilled red snapper. Very good!

We also saw some beautiful flowers growing right next to the path without any apparent caretaker.